FinOps (Part 2): Simplifying AWS Cost Analysis

June 17, 2024

Welcome to the second part of our series on "Mastering AWS Cost Management and Optimization." In this post, we'll delve into how you can automate the analysis of your AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) using accessible tools like Python and Boto3. Our goal is to demystify the processes behind data retrieval, processing, and visualization to make managing AWS costs more straightforward and efficient.

Automating CUR Data Retrieval:

Step 1: Automating Access to CUR Data
Getting started with automating CUR data retrieval involves setting up access to the AWS S3 bucket where your reports are stored. This setup can be efficiently handled using Python and Boto3, which provide the necessary tools to interact directly with AWS services.

Here’s a simple Python script to list the CUR files in an S3bucket:

import boto3

def list_cur_reports(bucket_name):
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name)
    for item in response['Contents']:


Step 2: Processing CUR Data with Python
Once you've accessed your CUR data, the next step is processing it effectively. Python, along with the Pandas library, offers powerful data manipulation capabilities that are well-suited for handling and analyzing large datasets like AWS CUR reports.

Here's how you could load and summarize your CUR data using Pandas:

import pandas as pd 
def load_and_process_cur(file_name):
	# Load the CUR data
          data = pd.read_csv(file_name)
         # Summarize costs by service
	summary = data.groupby('ProductCode')['BlendedCost'].sum()
	return summary
cost_summary = load_and_process_cur('path_to_your_cur_file.csv')

Integrating Automation for Enhanced Efficiency
While Python scripts are powerful, managing these scripts and manually handling data processing can be daunting as your data grows. Automating these processes can significantly reduce manual overhead, errors, and improve data handling efficiency.

Automating Data Workflows
You can set up automated workflows that connect data retrieval to processing steps. This ensures seamless data flow and transformation without manual intervention, which is crucial for maintaining data integrity and timeliness.

Visualizing AWS Costs Effectively
Data visualization is crucial for interpreting vast amounts of data. Python libraries like Plotly can be integrated to create dynamic, interactive visualizations of your AWS spending.

Daily AWS Cost Trends: Track spending patterns and detect anomalies over time.

Daily AWS Costs (Last n Days)

Service-wise Cost Breakdown: Identify which AWS services are driving up your costs.

Daily AWS Costs by Service

Benefits of Advanced Data Visualization

  • Interactivity: Dive deeper into the data with interactive elements.
  • Real-time Updates: Visuals update as new data comes in, providing the most current insights.
  • Customization: Tailor visuals to highlight the information most important to you.

Deep Dive into Specific Costs

In-depth analysis of specific AWS resources like EC2 and RDS is critical for cost optimization. Here's how we can enhance this process:

  1. EC2 and RDS Cost Analysis:
    • Automated Reports: Generate detailed reports on EC2 and RDS usage and costs, leveraging automated scripts that query CUR data and apply analytical models.
    • Actionable Insights: Provide recommendations on instance optimization, such as changing instance sizes or reserved instance purchases based on usage patterns.
  3. Rightsizing Recommendations Using AWS Compute Optimizer:
    • Integration with Compute Optimizer: Automatically pull in rightsizing recommendations for EC2 and EBS.
    • Custom Workflows: Create custom workflows to apply these recommendations directly, potentially automating the rightsizing process based on pre-defined rules.
EC2 Instance Rightsizing Recommendations


By integrating automation into your AWS cost management workflow, you replace complex, manual processes with streamlined, automated solutions. This not only speeds up the analysis but also enhances the accuracy and usefulness of the insights you derive. DagKnows, an automation platform and more, empowers your team to focus on strategic decision-making rather than data handling, pushing your AWS environment towards optimal cost efficiency and resource utilization.

Here is an example:
End-to-End AWS Cost Tracking and Management:

What's Next?
Look forward to our upcoming posts, where we will explore advanced strategies for optimizing AWS resources to further reduce costs. We'll cover effective management techniques for underutilized resources and discuss automating cost-saving measures to ensure your cloud spending is as efficient as possible.